Coalition of Independent riders

One person, whispering alone in the forest, makes very little noise. An army, a legion of men and women, standing in the forest raising their voices in united cacophony, can be heard across the nation.

The Coalition of Independent Riders is not a membership funded organization. It is not a motorcycle club or riding club. It is a grass roots political organization which is “of the people, by the people and for the people.” C.O.I.R. unites independent riders with all other motorcycle organizations to become a battalion of voices which will be heard all the way to The People’s House in Austin, Texas, our State Capitol.

Independent riders registered with C.O.I.R. are from all walks of life. We welcome cruisers, sport bikes, dirt bike riders, back seat riders and even non-riders. We are defined by our love of riding and united by our passion to protect our constitutional right to ride free.

I personally wish to welcome you and your independent friends to register with Texas C.O.I.R., attend a training session or meeting, join our C.O.I.R. mailing list, participate in the Call To Actions and become an active participant in our legislative work.

I ask each of you to step up and add your voice to our family of Freedom Fighters. One heart, one voice, joined together in a quest to defend our freedom.

Tonya Gonzales,
Region 8 C.O.I.R

The COIR active in the community

Signing up new members

Proclamation Day!